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Frank R. Harrison

· Frank R Harrison,Mental Health,Healthcare

Epilepsy is a disorder but it is also a term that has been used very frequently. Although many have heard of it and believe they have a solid grasp of its definition, they may be surprised to learn its intricacies. As someone who suffers from epilepsy, I take this very seriously. There is no “cure” for epilepsy yet, however, there are a variety of ways that those with epilepsy can manage the disorder. Before I start writing further about Epilepsy on this site, I will provide a brief overview of it describing what it is and its effects.

With that being said, let’s first define epilepsy. Medically speaking, epilepsy is a neurological disorder that is characterized by sudden and recurring episodes of sensory disturbance and convulsions. One of the most prominent characteristics of epilepsy is sudden seizures. Usually, a person will be diagnosed with epilepsy after having suffered at least two unprovoked seizures.

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